Sustainable development

The overall production of electricity of EVN Power Plants is provided exclusively in hydropower plants, which means that our company fully adheres to the concept of sustainable and renewable development.

The basic idea of this concept is to create conditions for stable economic and social development, whereby preserving the environment for future generations.

The production of electricity in our hydropower plants, which takes place by exploiting the energy potential of the water, always has an advantage over other energy sources using fossil fuels in production as their combustion increase the emissions of so-called "greenhouse" gases in the atmosphere, which are detrimental to the overall environment and are dubbed the main culprits of global warming.

Using water potential, electricity produced in our hydroelectric plants offers many benefits and positive aspects on the socio - economic development, has positive impact on the environment and the lives of the population. That influence is reflected in several aspects, including:

  • Reduced need for using other energy sources (oil, gas, coal)
  • Reduction of emissions of so-called greenhouse gas emissions which contributes to climate change mitigation. Specifically, with an average annual production of 140 GWh, our hydropower plants contribute to reducing the emission of over 130 thousand tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year.
  • Provision of additional, reliable sources of energy supply to the local population, especially in rural areas.
  • Providing biological minimum water in riverbeds, without creating wastewater
  • Providing water for irrigation and water supply and additional flood protection.

All these aspects of the operations of our hydropower plants demonstrate their role in socio-economic development while proving their significance for the preservation of the environment.


EVN Macedonia Elektrani DOOEL Skopje
Str. Lazar Licenoski 11
Skopje 1000 North Macedonia
Phone +389 (0)2 3205 000